10 Golden Rules For Cellulite Reduction

Covid-19 in the last three months due to always be home and has significantly reduced physical activity, and consumption of food that contains carbohydrates also increased. This led to the further clarification of cellulite.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is usually the hips, thighs and cellulite dimpled like an orange peel on the surface of the skin that target the abdominal region, and is described as a connective tissue disease that causes a bumpy appearance. Get rid of cellulite and dermatologist Dr. Serpil Pirmit in order to get a permanent result, we need to make some changes in our lifestyle and eating habits to our attention. Our lives, but very troubling to alleviate this problem, How should we proceed?

  1. Continue to drink plenty of water

Make up 60 percent of our body which plays an essential role in the functioning of the entire body of water. The elimination of accumulated toxins in the body, water to drink, weight loss, and the acceleration of metabolism that can help you. Therefore, not only your overall body health never neglect to drink at least 2 liters per day for the reduction of cellulite.

  1. Step 10 thousand per day is very important

10,000 step per day to lose weight due to the acceleration of blood circulation and helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  1. 2 cups of coffee limit

“Coffee, caffeine causes of cellulite due to its content it is not” dermatologist Dr. Serpil Pirmit in the warning goes on to say: “the caffeine content of coffee as well as the sweetener, sugar, milk and cream, because the contents of the skin can cause the formation of cellulite with tea also. Cellulite they also carbonated drinks that contain sugar and caffeine can lead to intense. Therefore, limited to the amount of 2 cups of coffee per day to keep a cup or sugar-free you will need to drink Turkish coffee. And herbal teas reduce the amount of tea you drink daily you can also choose”

  1. Be 1.5 teaspoons of salt

Salt and water retention in the tissues by increasing edema and cellulite in the body is able to. We need daily salt 6 GR, IE, is 1.5 teaspoons. For this reason, food on the table with spices and salt by giving up the habit of putting your tatlandirara try to reduce salt consumption.

  1. Smoking alcohol and leave immediately

Smoking is a bad influence on the circulation and reduce the rate of oxygen in the blood. Smoking and alcohol in the body by disrupting the production of collagen, increases the risk of damaging the connective tissue. Accordingly, the more cellulite and saggy skin can become thin and as a result it can result in.

  1. Foods you should avoid

They are converted directly to fat-carbohydrate foods such as sugar and pastries dense by increasing the body can lead to water retention and cellulite. The artificial sweeteners in sugar metabolism in the body due to the content of prepared foods also can cause insulin resistance by impairing. As a result of hormonal change such as weight gain and cellulite problems can develop.

  1. Yesil vegetables are a must!

Plenty of vegetables and fibrous foods to help alleviate the formation of cellulite Yesil Mediterranean type diet get into the habit of. This type of diet of fish, olive oil, grain, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruit is happening. Low glycemic index and high fiber healthy and lose weight with this diet, you may be able to reduce the formation of cellulite.

  1. Not fashion clothes, comfort select

Impairs blood circulation, that cause cellulite tight clothes and high-heeled shoes avoid as much as possible.

  1. Dry brush massage

From the ankle in the direction of the heart, dry brushing for about 4-5 minutes for each leg make the process; improves microcirculation, and thus warns the lymphatic system can help alleviate the appearance of cellulite. With a peeling effect also contributes to the skin brighter and healthier look. Your skin once a day 1 ‘massage, dry brushing’ get into the habit of doing. However, caution! Massage you’re damaging your skin and make it more pressing.

  1. Mesotherapy

Cellulite mesotherapy micro-circulation, improve blood circulation, tissue edema formation, connective tissue rebuilding, by the digestion of fats by providing improvement in the appearance of cellulite and fat shrinking tap can provide. Mesotherapy can be applied at 10-12 sessions 1 week to 10 day intervals. To get the best results may require a 6 month process.

Cellulite creams are effective?

The appearance of cellulite creams and lotions to alleviate some of the contents of that has been scientifically shown to provide support. For example creams can help alleviate the appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin to reduce swelling and caffeinated. Thicker creams can be effective retinollu the skin. “However, they must be used regularly to be effective for such creams. Also used under expert supervision in the event there is a benefit,” dermatologist Dr. Serpil pirmit giving the information “before using Creams necessarily small in terms of allergy development should be tested in the field. Massaging cellulite cream also with daily increasing blood flow, reducing edema and lymph circulation can reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving,” he says.