10 Maintenance Proposal For Healthy Hair

Radiant hair glowing with health and minimize the wear on the hair to gain back what we need to do, or what should we not do? We did wrong or doing habits that we are unaware of, now is the time to give up. In your care or your skin care hair care if this post is definitely for you.

Pay attention to the temperature of the water in the shower!
We relieve ourselves to unwind and actually increase the temperature of the water is very harmful to the scalp and hair roots. Shower always use warm water and massage your scalp, your hair will break less see it falling off.

Massage your scalp!

Perhaps the biggest reason stylists we love most of us, a massage is done during washing. We will limit the acceleration of blood flow, and we feel ourselves better. Due to the acceleration of blood flow to the hair follicles, takes action, and that our hair healthy and quick prolongation effect. Don’t expect to go to the hairdresser and massage into your hair care routine hair massage to remember to add. When you are a regular, you will notice the change in your hair.

Don’t leave your hair dry!

Dirty air, created by living in the metropolitan areas, traffic pollution, weather conditions and the difficulty of integrating daily life and our hair is also quite active. This also makes our hair and cansizlasmas lose moisture. Cansizlasmay hair replenishes moisture to prevent this, we should according to our needs. You can apply coconut oil once a week on a regular basis will make your hair look more vibrant, and feed moisture.

Do not wash your hair every day!

Every day we wash our hair to make it look clean and shiny, but actually we’re in our hair without knowing it a great disservice. Their oil for nourishment your hair needs, when you are washing your hair by throwing your fat head, you’re interfering with the feeding. This makes your hair dry out over time and cansizlasmas. Instead of washing your hair every day by using a dry shampoo in between wash your hair every two days and you can allow it to feed.

Choose the right hair care products!

Prefer the right hair care products for your hair. More effective moisturizing shampoo and conditioner if you have dry hair products prefer. If you have a fat problem, avoid products that contain intensive care, your hair will yaglandiraca because it is more.

Protect your hair against the heat!

High heat will do more harm to your hair than you imagine. After each bath that you apply to your hair straighteners, tongs and your hair will cause breakage and tearing fund. To minimize this condition, apply a heat protectant to your hair before proceeding with other operations of the fund or your hair to reduce some of the damage that you would get from this device will be useful.

Use a towel!

After a shower, thick towels to dry by wrapping we will leave that to pull me, but this is very harmful to our hair. Wet hair, dry hair is more fragile when it is broken and broke and we’re doing and that our hair begins to fall. To avoid this situation, instead of throwing your hair back with a thin cotton towel, you can get your hair wet hair by massaging.

Use the shampoo!

The most important product in Hair Care Shampoo, shampoo our hair but most of the time we use more clean handful. We do this unconsciously do more harm than good to our hair. Shampoos usually concentrated to a structure using a small amount of product is sufficient for the health of your hair.

Eat a healthy diet!

Only with the right hair care products to nourish your hair from the outside to do regular maintenance. However, your hair needs to be fed from the inside. The best way is through healthy eating. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as to consume more foods that contain omega 3 will cause your hair as shiny and vibrant prolongation. Protein-rich foods you consume, this would lead to the strengthening of your hair.

Rinse with vinegar water!

Rinse with water and vinegar to the scalp, the scalp receive and allows the air to be cleared. Dandruff, etc if you have problems with, allows to get rid of them immediately. Apply once a week regularly, will help you to make your hair appear more vibrant and glowing. Aside from apple cider vinegar get your choice.