10 Myths About Pimples

There’s a lot of spoken about with acne. Keep letting fast food, stay away from The Sun, Everyone says something and doesn’t stop the rumors. Our toothpaste on your pimples before you go to sleep without touching you check what you wrote.

Tanning Clears Acne

All tanning your skin color turned black for acne occurs although it may seem like there is nothing that technically he’s hiding. Next to skin cancer, sunbathing dries your skin for a long time; this causes the formation of more acne. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on before you go out into the sun.

Acne occurs around puberty only

According to the American Association of Dermatology, acne begins at puberty, that’s true, but that’s not the only reason. The weather, living conditions, according to everyone ekenl external hormones or acne may occur. I do not know the age.

Acne can be treated

Acne is a hereditary disease and to spend eternity there is not an existing solution. This is your structure are relevant to you. If your skin is inclined to the formation of acne acne occurs if a does not occur. Note that the main cause of acne is psychological.

Ready foods can cause acne

Pizza, chocolate, French fries, it won’t cause acne to consume foods such as ETC. According to research, foods that contain high sugar, ready to eat foods, causing more rapid compared to the formation of acne. But the formation of acne if your skin if it’s very convenient, of course, you should avoid such foods.

Toothpaste helps to dry out pimples

No toothpaste in terms of content “acne desiccant” substances doesn’t have. Perhaps coincidentally, a toothpaste pimples and also dried up your trial-and-error, they thought it was, then use toothpaste for acne drying, but this coincidence, nothing more.

Spotty people should not do the makeup

Maybe that will make it more difficult for skin to breathe many times your makeup, you may not acne, but this doesn’t mean you should stop wearing makeup entirely. Better to use natural products without too many chemicals may be for you.

Enables you to move more quickly popping acne

Maybe squeeze pimples quickly may seem like the easiest way to take them from our body, but for a long time can turn into worse problems. You can pass the bacteria on your skin when you squeeze acne.

Wash your face too often will prevent the formation of acne and

Wash your face constantly, unfortunately, doesn’t mean it will pass your pimples quickly. Obviously keeping your face clean is important, but more than 2 times per day, which will lead to the formation of Acne Face Wash on your skin, the fat loss can prepare the environment.

Sweat causes acne

Only sweat does not cause acne. Get out of sweaty clothes and sit for hours in the gym but yes, if that is the reason. After your workout, your body make sure you clean thoroughly.

It doesn’t work if you burn products

If you are using different cosmetic products or if your acne for spending, just works in your life that you think that’s not true for very burned. If you burn when you apply the cosmetics you use, directly contact your doctor or your specialist beauty. You may be allergic or your skin may remain red. We must be careful.