10 Popular Species of Salvia

Salvia is quite a large genus of plants that includes annuals, perennials, and even shrubs. There are more than 1,000 species in the genus, many of which carry the common name “sage.” There are dozens of species that are common garden plants.

The Salvia genus fits into the mint (Lamiaceae) family of plants, and predictably, many of these species have a strong, pleasant scent, making them attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. While most Salvia species are technically perennials, some of the most popular are more often planted as annuals in colder regions.

Most species are known for their long bloom period, which sometimes can extend from late spring all the way into fall. If nothing else, these plants are guaranteed to inject dependable color into your garden design. Salvias are known as plants that thrive in dry, even rocky soils, so they can be a good choice if you have poor soil. They are extremely easy to care for, but salvias will not do well in wet, boggy conditions.