10 Rapid Aging Of The Skin Wont

The influence of the sun’s Rays in the summer of radiation can be significantly increased for a serious threat to our skin. Experts told us to do frequently during the summer months, we incorrectly, our habits, our skin healthy and young for many years made important suggestions for you to stay.

Error 1: exposure to intense solar radiation

For the sake of experts in a short time we’re trying to get the intense tanning Sun’s rays can cause burns on the skin of warn. After the burn scars on the skin, spots, streaks and is beneklenme can occur. Hence the intense rays of the Sun 10:00 – 16:00 try not to spend time in the open areas between. Even if it remained under the umbrella, sand the sun’s rays were reflected from the pavement with a note that having the same effect.

Error 2: use sunscreen Random

Protective products provide protection against visible light and infrared rays, and skin type (mixed, oily, dry, sensitive, etc.) and should be chosen according to age. Otherwise, allergic reactions, excessive fat or cosmetic acne can develop. For example, mixed-oily skin protective intense rides moisturize the pores, blackheads, clogged up, the fat buttons and can cause the formation of acne. Matlastiran oily skin which is not so fat, and skin are water-based products, there is a benefit to opt for. Dry skin moisturizing properties with the use of sunscreen in a structure more useful will be. Sensitive, blotchy redness with problems or damaged (vitiligo, with a history of skin cancer, etc.) are of particular importance to choose the specific skin sunscreen. Blotchy skin, reducing the formation of blemish, redness soothing for sensitive skin or damaged skin savers will be more comfortable to opt for high antioxidant content. Light skin at least +50 SPF, of at least dark +SPF 30, UVA-UVB is a must.

Error 3: The Sun will repeat often saver

They contain sunscreens inhibit the formation of DNA damage by wrapping the core of the cell through the filters. “But it is very important to be repeated regularly in order to be effective” warning ” Experts “the reason for this is after application to the skin, gradual decrease of the average benefits of the product within 2 hours. Hence, don’t neglect to repeat the product every 2 hours. Repeat after shower or swimming or excessive terlediy without considering if this is my time”.

Error 4: leave the skin dehydrated

Daily skin sensitivity in individuals who do not meet the requirements of water is becoming more pronounced. For your health, skin and body do not neglect to regularly consume at least 10 glasses of juice every day.

Error 5: will enough to moisten the skin

To do more, even though drying of the skin in winter, in the summer sun, the pool and the sea, as well as frequent showering can create skin dryness and sensitivity. Specifically Moisture Lotion moisturizing milk or imprisoned for a long time on the skin can help reduce the use of sun damage. For this reason, especially in the summer when it is slightly wet after a bath in the first 5 minutes, make sure to hydrate your entire body.

Error 6: neglect to clean skin daily

During the day the skin with an appropriate cleanser that has accumulated dirt, dust, oil, and rid skin of Dead Cells is very important for our health. The reason for this dirty, leaving skin blotchiness, acne and rough skin can lead to. Moreover, a sunscreen applied to the skin and your skin looks more smooth, more effective clean.

Error 7: in the shade protected

Usually just when we go out in the sun, we are protected. However, the sun’s Rays in the shade and in the light from the window in our home that enters the fluorescent lamp can be effective. Especially if you’re in the shade during the hot hours the sun is overhead, you should use the outside protector. At home, on the balcony or in a window if you’re going to have a long time again, you need to use a protective.

Error 8: excessive use of concealer and foundation

Skin, suitable for daily use, non-use cosmetics such as foundation and concealer, the clogging of pores the skin to keep them for a long time, the amount or percentage of spots, and can lead to the formation of fine wrinkles. Transparent powder or mineral foundation to choose from during the summer months it is useful for special occasions.

Error 9: incorrectly apply the Protective product

Products usually when we get outside, or on the beach we use. Yet out of it about 20 minutes ago it is actually to implement. Also another mistake that we do is not enough to use the product. Experts “in the field until the tip of a finger to a handful of the cream should be sufficient. However, a thick layer of cream to leave there won’t be increase retention,” he says.

Error 10: consume quick snacks

Processed famous fried sugary foods, quick snacks and foods that are high in saturated fat, our skin, acne, insulin resistance by increasing the formation of blackheads on the outside, velvety thickening of the skin in the folds around the mouth and on the body, can lead to the formation of the mole with dark discoloration. Impaired skin to sun damage is also becoming more clear. Vegetables are rich in unsaturated fats in the summer, we’re consuming a lot of fruits and legumes, will help your skin shine.