10 Solutions for Oily Hair!

Do You Have Oily Hair?

If your hair looks greasy and looks like it hasn’t been washed shortly after washing, you have a big problem. But it is not too big to be resolved. The problem is that you have an oily hair type. Actually, this oil in your hair is produced by the scalp to protect the hair. The production of oils is slightly higher in this type of hair that is only greasy quickly .

Causes of Oily Hair

The first reason you have oily hair may be hereditary. Special days, menstrual period, pregnancy period, birth control pills used in women may cause oily hair Excessive stress and consumption of fatty foods can be counted among these reasons. 

Oily hair seen in excessive sebum production, with sebum adversely affect dandruff hair care together. We have researched 10 different solutions for you to prevent oiliness in your hair .

Remedies Against Greasy Hair

Egg yolk; The yolks of the two eggs are separated and crushed. A few drops of lemon juice are added. It is applied to wet hair two to three times a week. 

Lemon juice; The juice of two lemons is added to two glasses of water. 3 teaspoons of honey is added to the mixture. The mixture is applied to the scalp with a massage. Then it is rinsed. It should be done 3 times a week.

Black tea; Two spoons of tea are boiled in a glass of water. It is poured into the scalp in a warm state, then rinsed. It is enough to do it 3 times a week.

Honey; One egg yolk is added to two teaspoons of honey. After the mixture is applied to the scalp and left for 20 minutes, it is washed off. This process is done two days a week.

Carbonate; Mix baking soda in water, apply to wet hair and wash. Repeat once or twice a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar; Add 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. After washing your hair with a shampoo for oily hair, rinse your hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week.

Aloe Vera Gel; Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel to a glass of shampoo and mix. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and let it stay that way for a few minutes. You can keep the remaining mixture in the refrigerator and use it again later. 

 Tomato; Mix the tomato juice with a teaspoon of clay. Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp. Wait 30 minutes, wash off with cold water. Do it once a week .

Banana; Puree a banana by blending it or mashing it with a fork. Add a tablespoon of honey in it and mix. Apply to your hair and wait like this for 20 minutes. By applying this process 2 times a week, you can get the desired results.

Finally, don’t brush your hair too often. Always be sure to use your own hair brush.