10-Step Professional Hair Styling

At home we do our hair salon, we would like to deal with and less were coming from and also we expect a quality result. The very thing we want, right? I don’t think so. Because it is not easy to achieve the expected results manually, but we reached Papanikolas editors and gold Georger celebrity hair designer made!

Give the hair more volume and quick ways to easily shape the hair showing

  1. Wash your hair the night before to frizz. Hair curling at the process quick dirty – washed yesterday – shows the effect on hair. So tomorrow you decided to make your hair tongs, wash and dry your hair like that the night before sleep. They will curl up easily the next day.
  2. To prevent interference of your hair with a hair dryer before you dry with a towel. If entering if you hate on each other while drying your hair to avoid it absorb water and then dry your hair with the towel before.
  3. If you want to up your hair appear voluminous dry.
    If your hair is a little more dense and fluffy if you want to show your hair from the bottom up, and lift up a little dry.
  4. While drying your hair to prevent the formation of cold dry electrification and small folds.
  5. Get help from the bottom of your hair to The Shape of the buckle. If you have curly hair, you need to do to show even more impressive is very simple, just divide it into your hair, each piece of a large wave-shape, bend and attach and go through your head a little bit with a hair dryer. After drying completely, you will find that when removing the buckles intensive and have large waves.
  6. Your hair staticky, spray a little hair spray on your brush. If you suffer from electrocution scan and shaping your hair properly after the last spray and comb your hair brush blow your scan it. Disrupt your sense of style with this eye will help prevent electrocution.
  7. Use dry shampoo. To prevent the lubrication of the days they have missed many people shower, use a dry shampoo. You can use to make it easy to shape but you guys, don’t worry, hair and foam you will not sprayed on their heads look like girls. Dry shampoo is just what what’s the bottom-ends, make sure that you apply in the middle.
  8. Masalamay’s from the very bottom of your hair for a modern look. You want to make your hair curl, while the girls benzetmey’s wedding table he had built for yourself. From the very bottom to the very end, not right in the Middle do your curls. Will look much more modern. You can be sure.
  9. Plait your hair with a straightener and go over it. So if you’re looking ozenilm if not tangled curls, plait hair, braid without opening press down a little with your straightener. You will be surprised when you open the naturality of the curls.
  10. A bobby pin to keep it tight and squeeze your dry shampoo.
    Before I started doing your hair, squeeze a bobby pin in your dry shampoo, wait to dry, and after it dries use them. You reach harder, and now you’ll notice they don’t.