10 Suggestions To Rejuvenate The Skin

In the last years of the pandemic in the process, a mask, soap, Cologne, and disinfectants was indispensable in our daily life. Change our diet, stress and not enough to the light of day benefit from adding his intense skin problems has greatly increased. Will make ourselves happy, sweet, bakery foods, tea and coffee, consume more than we were. Employees in the work place during the day at work is forced to wear a mask, the mask of creating heat closed environment that cause acne, increase in diseases such as roza why was. In this process, ringworm, psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema, Allergy and high in hand we are witnessing a rise. Healthy skin even in the is experiencing serious problems,” he says.  10 practical ways to genclestirmen the skin during the spring and summer months, the important warnings and suggestions contributed.

Regular exercise

The windows are open, we’re going to do an hour a day of exercise and physical, mental and spiritual has important benefits for our health. Regular exercise and premature aging of our skin in terms of preventing the revival of our face, it is making a significant contribution. The muscles of facial yoga exercises by doing 10-15 minute skin every day we can run. Long hours sitting at the computer and don’t cross your legs blocking the blood circulation in the legs, is going to cause to the development of the destination. To put under our feet while sitting riser, it’s worth a little walk up to per hour.

Adequate and quality sleep

The beauty of sleep, our contribution is obvious. Adequate and quality sleep influences our skin health. Although it varies according to the person, it is strongly recommended that regular sleep 6-8 hours per day on average. Working by night skin metabolism, active the night of the content we prefer that products be banished. Sleeping in the side position also continuous, one-sided pressure, sleep causes the development of lines, asymmetry can create. For this reason, we have to protect our skin caused by compression of; if we’re lying on your side, no change of position, as far as possible we have to sleep on your back on the pillow as appropriate.

Massage your face every morning

In the morning after a sleepless night, our skin was pale, edematous it’ll be detention of us. We’re going to do in the morning with cold water or cold gel massage revitalizes our skin, reduces edema, allows you to look more fit. If it’s a mist skin inflammation and detention of us, gauze dressing, dip it into the tea, chilled Yesil we can make. Then, clean it with an appropriate cleaner moisturizing cream from the bottom to top in the direction of lymphatic drainage massage and feed it to our we can. Apply the mask to the same applications.

Drink plenty of water

You need to drink two litres of water per day for healthy skin and body. Drinking enough water is the moisture of your skin, functioning organs, it is very important to remove toxins from the body. Water’s health, is very important in the metabolic exchange between cells. Some of us drink tea and coffee and water that won’t meet our needs, but these drinks are the exact opposite diuretic, leads to the loss of water. Tea and coffee consumption in moderation, coffee and tea is drunk to drink water after also required.

Eat a healthy diet

Proper nutrition is extremely important for our health, skin and body. Rich in vitamins and minerals, additives, adequate protein diet is very important for our overall health. These are recommendations that apply to everyone. Special Nutrition Program apply to some skin diseases. Skin acne excessive carbohydrate foods, chocolate, extreme milk products consumption will exacerbate the disease. Rose’s disease in people who have, spices, coffee, alcohol consumption triggers the disease. In addition, a steam bath, and hot sun rays also the negative effects of the disease. These two diseases also stress is the factor that trigger.

Your skin is absolutely clean 2 times a day

“we need to clean up our skin 2 times a day. Our cleaning products should be selected in accordance with the structure of the skin. If you use cleaning products, dry skin, oily skin, your skin becomes dry and wrinkled. After the cleaning process, it is necessary to use an appropriate moisturizer. Intensive antiaging natural skin product if they use shows an increase in skin complaints. Under the mask to be made make-up, pores and acne with the increase of heat and sweating can trigger the formation of blocking. Too often we see some allergic sensitive skin mask. Our skin so water based moisturizers, they do not clog rides that will provide protection. Will not clog pores intensive products should be used,” he says.

Keep your hands in the evening kremleyip fridge sealed in a bag!

The pandemic we had our hands the organ also the most misused. Sabunlamak hands frequently, use of disinfectant and colognes broke the barrier system of our skin, cracks, dryness, redness, and irritation led to. We washed our hands soap is extremely important. Compatible with the pH of the skin, non-drying, we need to use moisturizing soaps. Our intensive skin irritation chemical disinfectant soaps creates. We need to apply moisturizer after each wash our hands. In the evening sitting in front of the television with a bag or nylon bag in the fridge until syrup 1 hour moisturizing our hands, keep your mouth shut if corrupted we will repair to restore the moisture balance. When you work at home, always the cloth-lined rubber gloves we should wear. You should avoid direct contact with laundry and dishwashing detergents.

Apply sunscreen at home

We sit at home we should even necessarily our protector solar. From the screen, the window, the light always, we take a light. A day or two in a week we can make a skin mask. This mask skin type, which is determined by the appropriate doctor should have a mask.

Find a hobby

Skin for our health, our mental health is also very important. Participate in activities that make us happy to listen to our favorite music, we like to watch movies that motivate us, relaxing and upbeat, positive books to read that will make you think, meditate, do yoga, will make us happy with the people we love to talk, to chat are activities that all of us can do easily.

Smoking and avoid being a passive smoker

as being a smoker and passive smoking has caused serious harm to our overall health, our skin leads to premature aging rapidly. Causes and capillaries to expand and increase in acne. Therefore, you absolutely must avoid from smoking and second hand smoke,” he says.