10 Superfedes In The Breastfeeding Mother Diet

While breastfeeding mothers in the pandemic process are trying to protect themselves from the threat of Covid, on the other hand, they say, ‘I wonder if my milk is enough? Can I breastfeed my baby enough?’ The vast majority of mothers are able to produce enough milk to meet their baby’s needs, “The best way to both increase the quantity and quality of your milk and strengthen your immunity; it goes through proper nutrition and you get enough of all the nutrients you need.” Noting that some nutrients contribute to this with their ingredients,


1 – Water,

which has numerous benefits for our water health, is also the most effective way to increase breast milk. About 88 percent of breast milk is made up of water. Therefore, it can be said that water constitutes the structure of milk. Be sure to drink at least 3 liters of water a day for the health of both yourself and your breastfeeding baby. Do not forget to consume less, often water, instead of consuming large quantities at once to saturate your body with water.

2 – Salmon

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids or EFA, which make breast milk more nutritious and strengthen immunity, you can include salmon in your diet two days a week. But instead of frying it, it is worth steaming or grilling. 10 superfedes in the diet of the nursing mother


3 – Oats,

which regulate digestion for nursing mothers and have the ability to keep it complete for a long time; Thanks to its betaglucan, herbal estrogen and other substances, it both directly increases breast milk and supports the production of hormones that secrete breast milk. At breakfast, you can choose oats over bread or consume them by adding 2 wiping tablespoons to your kneading in the intermediate meal.

4 – Fennel

is one of the best plants that helps increase milk production along with fennel brother dill with its phytoestrogen content. You can soak 1 teaspoon of dried fennel seeds in hot water for 5 minutes and consume up to 2 mugs a day. The most important benefit of fennel is that it is mixed into milk and passed on to the baby and is as good for the baby as it is for the mother.

5 – Garlic- onion

Onions or garlic, which you can add to your meals or foods such as yogurt, salads, help increase your milk production and strengthen the mother’s immune system. However, garlic and onions can also affect the taste and smell of breast milk, and the raw consumption of a large amount of garlic and onions by some mothers can cause gas in the baby. Therefore, you can add it to your daily diet in moderation.


6 – Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables to be consumed in season A strong source of minerals with its content such as iron, calcium and folate. These vegetables can help increase breast milk production with their rich content. You can consume at least one serving of green leafy vegetables daily. Keep in mind that when you consume green leafy vegetables raw or steamed, you can get more out of them.

7 – Sesame

Increases the amount of breast milk thanks to its high calcium content and similar properties to the hormone estrogen. You can consume up to 2 teaspoons of tahini per day, together with molasses rich in iron.

8 – Dates

Dates are used since ancient times as a milk-enhancing food, especially a nutrient rich in magnesium, selenium, zinc and nutritious. It comes during our time as a nutritious and natural option for the mother to fulfill her sweet request. But remember that 100 g of dates contains 314 calories. Therefore, 2 small-sized dates per day will suffice.

9 – Oilseeds

Nuts such as walnuts, nuts or almonds should definitely be on the nutrition list of mothers during lactation, as they contain healthy fatty acids that we cannot synthesize in the body but are fundamental to us. You can add up to 2 servings (20 nuts or 4 full walnuts or 12-15 almonds) to your list raw.”

10 – Dry legumes

Dry legumes such as green lentils, chickpeas, beans and bean are a rich source of vegetable protein, but can contribute to the quality of milk thanks to the phytoestrogens they contain. However, since they have a high potential to make gas, it is important to decide to consume it according to the gas condition of both mother and baby. You can cook with cumin as a de-gasser. You can consume it as a main meal 2-3 times a week.