14 Surprising Things You Can Clean in the Washer

Sitting in your laundry room or around the corner at the laundromat is a magical machine that can clean more than just your sheets, towels and clothes–the washing machine.

The key to cleaning these 14 things successfully in your washer is to use the gentle cycle, correct water temperature, put small items in a mesh laundry bag and skip the heat of the clothes dryer. You’ll also have the best success with larger items if you use a high-efficiency washer without a center agitator.

You may want to add a disinfectant to the wash water to kill bacteria. Some items can withstand chlorine bleach but you may want to choose pine oil or a phenolic disinfectant like Lysol to prevent damage to some materials.

Sports Gear

You know how dirty sports uniforms and workout gear can get and all of those shin guards, knee pads, and compression sleeves have that same coating of body soil and perspiration. 

Simply close all the Velcro or straps, put those plastic and padded pieces in a mesh laundry bag and toss in the wash. Use the gentle cycle and regular detergent. ALWAYS skip the clothes dryer and allow items to air dry away from direct heat.

Yoga Mats

You wash your yoga shirts and pants in the washer, why not your yoga mat? You’ll have the best luck with a washer without a center agitator because these washers are more gentle on fabrics. But if you have a center agitator, simply unroll the mat and arrange it around the agitator as evenly as possible. Balance the load with a couple of towels to prevent your washer from rocking and rolling.

Use the gentle cycle, warm or cool water, and a heavy-duty detergent like Tide or Persil that will cut through the body oils and soil. 

If you need to use the mat soon, roll it in a dry, absorbent towel and squeeze to remove as much water a possible.