How to Dress to Look Taller?


Although having a short height is an inherent physical characteristic that cannot be changed, it is possible to look taller by combining the clothes while dressing. Wrongly chosen pieces can make the already short one even shorter. So how to dress to look taller?

Women generally choose to wear high heels, which is the most classic way to look taller. But long heels don’t always make you look taller, if you don’t choose your outfit well, they can make you look even shorter. You may be faced with a situation that does not look nice as an image, and you can give away that you are trying to look tall. Now we will present our information about how we look taller.


V-neck pieces

1-) It will be in favor of short people to use V-neck pieces as the top. Always wear V-neck clothing if possible. This simple method will make your neck appear longer and thinner, thus making your neck look taller.


Maxi Skirts

2-) Short ladies should wear a Maxi skirt. Maxi skirts will show your height as long as the ankles. But be careful that the skirt is not fluffy. Because the updo on the skirt cuts your length and makes you look short. When choosing your skirt, choose dark tones such as black as the color. Because dark colors show both thin and tall.


Short Hair

3-) Short ones should have their hair cut short. Because the longer your hair, the lower your height will be. So you look shorter than you are. If you say I love long hair, instead of using your hair messy, collect your hair from the top or make a top bun.


Short Skirt & Dress

4-) Short people should wear short skirts or dresses. Your skirt or dress should be above your knee. You should definitely avoid skirts that are below the knee. Because the skirt below the knee cuts your leg length and makes you look shorter.

Short ones should prefer skirts like maxi that are long up to the ankle or short above the knee. Avoid medium-length skirts that are below the knee. Again, short ones should avoid low waist skirts. They should prefer high waist skirts. High waist-length always shows longer. You should wear high heels under these skirts and dresses.


Small bags

5-) Short ones should use small sized bags. An oversized bag will not go to a short woman. You may be faced with the criticism of “he has a big bag of himself.” The big bag will again lower your height. Small bags should be your choice for this.


Feminine shoes

6-) Short people should choose feminine shoes. So you should make your feet look as much as possible in the shoes. If you cut your feet with shoes, your legs will appear shorter. A good alternative for you in pointed-toe shoes The protruding noses will show your legs longer. Legs show longer in shoes with skin color. When choosing skin-colored shoes, you should also make sure that they are compatible with your skin.


Single color combinations

7-) Short women should wear one color. Because clothes with different patterns make the length look short. Dressing in one color makes the neck look longer hair. In color selection, you should avoid bright tones and turn to dark tones that will make you look longer.


High waist trousers

😎 Short women should prefer the type of trousers called flare that fits well on the waist and hips. These trousers show your height longer than they are as they are loosened down. You should wear a heeled shoe underneath. Short women should prefer high waisted trousers, just like skirts, while choosing trousers and avoid low waist trousers