2021 Summer Makeup to be Most Preferred

Today we will talk about the 2021 summer make-up . In the new season , there are no intense and time-consuming procedures such as smoky eye makeup cat eyeliner eye makeup . As you know, naturalness has become a trend since last year. Women understood that natural looks were the best choices. This summer, we’re exaggerating the naturalness a little more and we stay away from skin and eye makeup as much as possible. New fashion makeup is also a beautiful trend for every woman who thinks she has no talent in this regard. Because she hardly wants any eye makeup! You can look great with a little bit of concealer, a little illuminator, and a lipstick.

” I can’t do without wearing eyeliner.” If you say you can draw a very thin eyeliner . The thicker your eyeliner , the more likely it is to bleed and smear in summer heat. Also thin eyeliner favors naturalness. If you are going to use it as night makeup, you should use a black pencil in your eyes and a white pencil for daytime makeup. A lipstick with as little concealer as possible and your favorite color is enough.

We said that we will use makeup less this summer . If you want to make your eyes stand out, a single-color vivid headlight and a transparent gloss or primer that will make the lips look empty but vivid as you can see in the photo above is sufficient.

Again, as you can see above, if you have focused on the eyes, even if a little, you should leave your lips empty. It is very difficult to find the right lipstick in tinted eyeshadows. Using the same color on both eyes and lips can seem funny. That’s why new fashion makeup makes your job very easy.

If you don’t even have time to refresh your lipstick on a busy working day, if you shape your eyes with a single eye shadow and use a light mascara, you will save the day.

It would n’t hurt to add a little mist to your eyes to carry makeup into the night . But since you will wear both lip and eye makeup, choose natural colors as much as possible.

Slightly thicker eyeliner and make-up with dense eyelashes can be used for your night make- up . Empty lips for the evening can shade your makeup. You can use transparent gloss or nude lipsticks to show your lips vividly . We do not use colored lipsticks in 2021 for such intense eye makeup . 

Finally, we can say that orange preserves its peak this summer as well. Do not touch your lips for orange eye makeup.