3 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Skin

Clear, acne free, and smooth skin on our face. One that look at glossy image on a magazine or screen and we are yearning for the same.

With all the sun damage, pollution and the use of extensive products, our skin is subjected to some harsh wear and tear on an everyday basis.Getting the perfect skin cannot happen in a single day. It takes time, care with using the right kind of products. All that over a good period of time will show results that you crave.

In our bid to look great, we most often turn to expensive spa treatments and products. They end up doing more harm than good, as the chemical content in the products cause more damage to the skin in the long run.

A good way to take care of your skin and give it back the lost nutrients is with herbal preparations. These can easily be done at home, and most ingredients are always available in your kitchen. Also, these are not expensive and can be whipped up in minutes, any time that you wish to use them.

Herbal Skin Care: Remedies For Skin

Here are some easy herbal remedies for your skin that you can apply to get various results:

1. Herbal skin treatment for Acne:

Most of us have been through the acne trouble phase.That is if you are not living it right now.

Acne, pimples and other breakouts, are not just restricted to teenage or youth. These can also happen in your later years.A wonderful natural ingredient that works great to take care of your acne problems is tomato.

  • Cut a tomato into half
  • Now gently rub one of the half onto your face
  • This will help to control oil and sebum secretion on the face

As a result, the pimples, acne and other breakouts on your face will be prevented

2. Herbal skin care for Ageing skin:

We cannot stop the ticking clock but we can hold back the signs.

For a young and glowing skin, apply an egg pack.

  • Break an egg and separate the yolk from the egg whites
  • Whip until the yolk is foamy and apply it on the face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • You can add some essential oil, like lavender oil, to make the pack more fragrant and to cut down the smell of the egg.

3. Herbal home remedy for Lips:

The skin around our lips is the most sensitive. This is also the place where signs of ageing like fine lines first make an appearance.

  • Before you go to sleep, apply some honey to your lips. Leave it overnight
  • In the morning, scrub it with a mixture of honey and sugar granules to get rid of dead skin.
  • Alternatively, apply honey or natural clarified butter (ghee) to your lips 3-4 times in a day.