3 Secrets To Smooth The Skin Of The Model

World famous super model that we followed closely, and despite the hectic pace of everyday life that are constantly exposed to the heavy makeup all of us to be the envy of the skin. We investigated it all for you. Here is the famous…3 Secrets of the models, the most important of protecting the skin

1 – Water

As we all know, have a very significant impact drinking water for our health. Our experts enable you to accelerate metabolism and lose weight drinking water water plays a very important role for our skin, although you don’t get to say that. It’s very important to keep your skin healthy for your skin moist. If you want to provide this humidity per day 1.5 – 2 liters of water you need to drink.


The world famous models say when describing the skin of the easiest advice to the secrets of the super drink a lot of water. If you choose not to drink too much water in your daily life to facilitate this, a cup of coffee in the morning tea Yesil you can change it. Yesil tea antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to protect your skin because it contains. Also if you remember a pitcher on your desk in your office when you see him during the day, you can increase your amount of drinking water.

2 – sleep

Our mothers did to put us to sleep when we were little at that time all the effort that sounds ridiculous to us now that we are starting to understand why sleep is so important to us. Sleep, our hormones are not able to edit or only so we can concentrate in our day, but also the most important moments of your skin the time of the repair happens while we sleep. Make sure your sleep quality sleep at night. Your sheets once a week at a high temperature wash. Pillowcases bacteria on allergies and may cause skin irritation. Replace it if your mattress is too old. In a dark room and try to sleep. Because this hormone and melatonin, which we call between the hours of 23.00 and 05.00 only at night is very important for us, however, if you are sleeping in a dark room. A deep sleep with yourself and rests on your skin. You don’t want to pay too much for your skin, protect your skin by paying attention to your sleep if you can.

3 – Cleaning

Cleaning is one of the 3 most important rules to protect our skin. But all the while performing stiff brush cleaning tools and cleaning process, our face would clean up more, despite the fact that our skin actually these are damaging to us. Our skin the most gentle, the most sensitive ways because we carelessly try to clear face cleansing your skin more done fast and lubrication causes. Daily skin care routine moisturizers, and facial oils and serums you need to place, but we know it’s very important that you use the right products for our skin. Before your cleaning process, your skin type and your skin needs to identify and choose the product that you will use them accordingly, you will ensure the protection of brightness and delay the aging of your skin.