4 Drinks to Get Rid of Belly Fat

When it comes to belly fat, drinking the right amount of the right drink can help lower your bloated stomach. To get rid of bloating and belly fat, aim to drink at least 8 glasses of fluids day and consume plenty of fluids such as fruits and vegetables. There are some foods and spices to reduce bloating and even get rid of belly fat . Coconut, papaya, mint and yogurt are just some of these foods. Here are 4 beverage alternatives you can choose to reduce the fat around the abdomen and reduce your bloating .

1) Blueberry, Cucumber and Green Tea Smoothie

How does belly fat melt?

This smoothie , which is incredibly refreshing, is an ideal option for a cold and healthy drink, especially in summer. Promising health drink from fresh lemon juice and green tea, this beverage also contains blueberries to reduce abdominal fat. In a study, it was stated that a diet rich in blueberries reduces fat in the abdominal area. Also, green tea helps speed up the metabolism.

2) Banana, Pear, Cinnamon and Cilantro Smoothie

This creamy smoothie is a delicious blend. Rich in resistant starch, banana speeds up metabolism by encouraging the liver to go into fat burning mode . The potassium in bananas can also reduce belly swelling by regulating sodium levels. Pear, on the other hand, is an excellent source of fiber, which slows digestion to help you feel full for longer. Quinoa , a whole grain, adds additional fiber to further increase the strength of this smoothie . Coriander contains a unique oil blend that works just like medicines . And cinnamon creates a burn that helps your body actually burn fat ; especially the fat around the abdomen …

This bright green smoothie is a health bomb with kiwi, kale, zucchini and green apples. The green fruits and vegetables it contains are not only low in calories but also provide fiber to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain your hunger.

4) Grapefruit, Ginger and Turmeric

Grapefruit increases the body’s digestive enzymes and burns stored body fat. Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat puffiness. Turmeric, which is closely related to ginger, provides a powerful anti- inflammatory property and helps you in burning fat. Finally, the beneficial bacteria ( also known as probiotics ) found in yogurt help reduce abdominal bloating by improving digestion.