4 Hormone Which Affect The Quality Of The Skin

As it is on your skin quality and skin problems that arise from external factors may be derived from the balance of hormones in the body. Some chronic skin complaints of acne on your skin that you don’t understand where they’re coming from or you observe sudden changes may occur due to your hormone level increase or decrease. Discover 4 high impact, which is the hormone on the skin.


Estrogens have a strong role in the health of the skin. Intact skin is a barrier into many details such as the healing of scars and the skin’s moisture content has the effect of estrogen.

Increasing the production of this hormone in excess of sebum on the skin acne and the unexpected can occur. So the cause of the increase in time period of estrogen produced more sourced from acne.

The lack of estrogen are becoming more sensitive skin. Itching and irritation on the skin can occur. Care products, fabric textures, and are becoming more sensitive skin against environmental factors.


In thyroid hormone metabolism of the body is responsible for the coordination and development of energy in the body. The tenderness and dryness of the skin reveals a lack of this hormone. It can be seen later throws the skin and flaking dead skin exist.

The more hypothyroidism is produced when the metabolic rate is increased and the skin chafe. Regulate the body sweat more as a result of this. Rashes on the skin can occur.


For cortisol, the stress hormone, we can say that. Consistently high levels of cortisol due to chronic stress as a result of on the skin can lead to many problems.

Collagen in the skin cell renewal slows down and destroys the hormone that facilitates the emergence of signs of aging. Also the accumulation of cortisol, which leads to inflammation on the skin tissue disorders leads to rashes and acne. Also the water retention capacity of the skin in excess of cortisol are also reduced. Therefore, in times of stress, the skin becomes more dry and sensitive.


Although women are called male sex hormones regulate testosterone at a certain rate. Just like estrogen, testosterone has no effect on the dominant oil balance of the skin. Fat is growing in excess of testosterone on the skin, opens the pores, and it can result in the accumulation of edema. As a result, the unexpected can occur with acne, the skin tissue can break down. High testosterone also triggers an increase in unwanted hair growth.