4 Reasons to Use Toner

  • While we all know these steps very well, many of us do not take toner use seriously enough. It is a bit in between about whether to use it more correctly. Therefore, it prefers to skip using toner. That’s exactly why we said what is the benefit of using toner for the skin and why we need it, let’s go over it once again.

What do toners do?

  • Basically, dust and other dirt can get into your skin even after you wash your face. By using a toner, you get rid of this last remaining gross dirt completely. But at the same time, you shouldn’t forget to moisturize to rebalance the pH levels of your skin after cleansing. Toner also makes these creams absorb more easily.

When should i use toner?

  • Toner can be used as the last step in the cleaning process, but also as a pre-moisturizing preparation step.

How should I choose the one that suits me?

  • This depends on your skin type. Those with oily skin: He can soak a round cotton ball and put it over his face to remove dirt. Those with dry skin: You can perform the cleaning process by pouring some toner on their hands and gently patting their palms against their skin. Thus, the product seeps in.

Which ones should I try?

  • Again, this depends on your skin type. If you have dry or normal skin, you can use a toner with rose water or chamomile that moisturize and soothe, respectively. If you have oily skin, you can try a toner that contains a small percentage of alcohol. Formulas known as firming toners are antibacterial and dry out the skin.