4 Step Skin Care For Oily Skin

Delicate and require special care skin type Oily Skin that unfortunately comes at the beginning of. Other skin types, which can be easily solved glare or more for oily skin such as acne issues also struggle. The good news is that when you apply a proper skin care routine to get rid of this problem is possible!

According to beauty experts, you can apply morning and evening and a simple four-step skin care routine by creating healthy for your skin, it’s quite easy to keep clean and matte. The most important point that you need to be careful while applying the below mentioned steps, cleanser, and moisturizer that suits your skin type when choosing products such as skin care products you prefer.

Step 1: morning and evening skin cleansing

Regardless of your skin type, every skin care routine is the most important stage of our skin and deeply clean. According to experts, has the potential to oily skin types tolerate a more intensive cleaning. Also on our face wash for oily skin morning and evening, we all usually applied in the morning cleansing the skin is far more important.

When we woke in the morning the night before that we apply on our skin skin care routine we are therefore we can assume that is already clean. However, especially oily skin, continues to produce oil and skin cells to break up over night. So your skin, effectively exfoliating with a cleanser morning and evening, the depth should be cleaned.

Step 2: Use Tonic

Our all kinds of skin makeup, dirt and oil arindirdik after the first thing we need to do, if possible, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid exfoliating tonic that contains effective use. With more open pores than other skin types and high-fat for oily skin that secretes tonics containing alcohol may also be an option.

The point to be noted when applying tonic, tonic necessarily apply too much pressure to apply with a soft cotton and skin. Although many skin care tonic suitable for all skin types, the brand produces a more natural option as Yesil tea and Rose Water also can be evaluated.

Step 3: Skin Treatment

Skin care routine for oily skin that are created in the step that shows the maximum change from person to person in. Although each of the different skin skin care need according to experts, generally oily skin, acne-prone, because they are products that contain benzoyl peroxide can benefit from. Retinol products are also applied night and also can help you gain clear the pores to keep the skin a healthy glow.

People who complain about this situation, even though you have oily skin, according to experts, oily skin also has many advantages. For oily skin, sun spots, and wrinkles, such as experts who say that the risk is very low, in fact they were lucky in this respect, argues that people who have this skin type.

Step 4: in the morning and Moisturizer in the evening

If you have oily skin type, your skin moisturize, constitute one of the most important steps in your skin care routine. Moisturizer for oily skin, you should use among the people, although there is a mistaken belief that this is not true at all. All skin types need moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type what’s important to note.

When choosing a moisturizer for oily skin, you can get the guide feature, the following three:




Acne-prone skin moisturizer is formulated for all the features it has, it can be used as a moisturizer for oily skin. The most important advantage of this humidifier is the problem specific to oily skin to help eliminate glare again.