5 Reasons Which Leads To Acne And Solutions

Everyone, especially women, one of the dreams, to have skin like porcelain. I wish all of our skin smooth, clear, radiant, and sufficiently able to provide you with one hundred percent… It is moist, although this is not the right way by looking at our skin we can get a pretty good result. But, remember, the skin both internally (diet) and externally (with the cleaning and maintenance of the skin) looks good comes to life and shines. Instead of solving problems, it is best if you solve before after. For example, let’s think of skin. If the medical problem is not why acne occurs and how to prevent the formation of acne I was referring to this thread a little.

Reasons that lead to acne and solutions:

Nutrition: fat, sugar and high carbohydrate foods, unfortunately, the enemies of our skin. Yes, exactly that donut, burger, then Diamond, then cheese… it burns us the situation of our body we receive, the more come out about it through our skin oils have a tendency to keep a calendar for yourself. Write down everything you’re beating for 1 Week. In this process, fastfood you eat, chocolate, and other packaged foods to reduce high sugar and fatty food. The formation of new pimples from the second week will be reduced. It’s worth a try. Of course, an expert on the subject situations in which you need to remember that it is your responsibility to consult with a medical doctor.

Use the wrong product care: we need to take good care of our skin a healthy appearance, self-confidence, problem-free makeup, and for convenience, this is a good thing. Then, when we look at our skin, I need to give the maximum attention. Our skin or objections will show as pimples and acne. Cleanse and moisturize your skin, it is better to consult an expert in the products you use. For instance, if nemsiz under the skin of your skin is very deep, you should use a moisturizing cream. The upper surface is greasy and under the skin and under the skin should be properly moisturized different things must be moist.

Excessive cleansing your skin clean is important, but too much of anything is harmful. Exfoliating 3 times a week, you do not for any skin type that can’t be right. Your skin ever-so deep if you clear the skin produce sebum to protect itself desperately, and this causes acne. 1 Week 1 month to peel or much more accurate.

To clean: of course the only problem is that it’s not overly clear. The cleaning of doing this otherwise there is the problem with this please do not do it. No matter what happens tonight, your makeup, your skin with a suitable cleaner to clean up and go to sleep. The days you do makeup, “it’s already clean,” he sleep without cleaning up your face. “I don’t want to use product in order to constantly save my skin” will be those who say that’s not true… Unfortunately, our skin is getting rid of the dead skin and because of the pollution in the city. Clean skin, acne it is very clear and microbial formations.

Not being able to protect myself from The Sun: The Sun is very useful, even if you need to use protective products and sunbathing in the shade. On the outside at the beach sunbathing and protectors of everyday life, do not neglect to use the appropriate for your skin type.

Acne and pimples are very common skin problems. The conditions to be treated by expert doctors, as there are situations will be prevented by small measures. These 5 basic steps to apply to your skin it will be good.