5 Secrets For Skin Young Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is 50 years old when he performed at the Super Bowl last night the audience to believe it was what it was. Remained almost unchanged since the day she came into our lives in 1999 and backward space age JLo many of us are anti-aging inspiration. Challenge the years with the energy and beauty to the new generation of young Jennifer Lopez brings Stone Skin 5 we investigated the clue.

Cleaning Never

Cleaning your makeup day by clearing the skin of Jennifer Lopez that never sleeps and this maintenance ritual for starting a real obsession. At all times the skin breathe and harmful bacteria, excess oil purification beautiful stars who want to, don’t forget to clean your skin after sports. Thus, it reduces the negative effects of environmental factors that attaches to the skin.

Against The Sun

By using the UV rays that cause premature aging of the skin collagen and elastic fibers standing away from the famous singer, not necessarily the steps your beauty routine is in possession of SPF.

Glycolic Acid

Chemical renews the skin by exfoliating dead cells from the purifying breath and glycolic acid, for Glowing Skin Health with Jennifer Lopez and a favorite. Content that supports the formation of new cells while cleansing the skin, especially perfect for tired and mature skin.

Order and balance

Use care products Jennifer Lopez who pays attention to both the quality of life, balanced and peaceful life comes before anything else. Yesil vegetables in the meal iconic, beautiful, don’t forget to drink eight glasses of water every day. A minimum of eight hours sleep and disciplined fitness routines for morning and evening meditation for a stress-free mind the next time separating Lopez, is the key to youthful and energetic appearance.