6 Correct Knowledge About Exercise

A sedentary life affects your social life and most importantly your health negatively. Include sports, regular exercise in every part of your life, but avoid rumors that are not scientifically correct. Here are the misconceptions about exercise…

-1. Low-intensity exercises are less beneficial: Wrong! Many people think that low-intensity exercises such as walking and gardening are less beneficial for the body, and they may underestimate it. Whereas, low-intensity exercise – dealing with as much gardening as possible every day, or half-hour regular and brisk walking 5 days a week, or jogging 20 minutes 3 days a week – is ideal for maintaining overall health and reducing the risks associated with many chronic diseases and prolonging life. .

-2. The more tired you get in exercise, the more beneficial: Wrong! If there is no fatigue after training, the idea that the intensity of the exercise should be increased is not true. ‘No pain, no improvement’ prediction is a view that can cause musculoskeletal and cardiac problems. Scientific studies, regardless of pain, reveal that serious loads can pave the way for overuse injuries and increase many health problems. If the expected health and physical development cannot be achieved with exercises, it may be good to increase or change the intensity and duration of the burden, provided that the physician approves.

-3. Sit-ups melt belly fat: Wrong Doing special abdominal exercises to melt abdominal fat, such as sit-ups, are not very effective contrary to popular belief. In fact, no exercise has the special effect of losing localized fat. However, it can reduce the fat in the area where our general fat is desired to decrease. On the other hand, exercises such as sit-ups to the abdominal area can make our abdominal muscles appear clearly.

-4. With increasing age, metabolism slows down: Wrong! This statement is partially correct, but the most important factor that slows down the metabolism is actually the decrease in physical activity and consequently muscle mass due to the increase in age. Therefore, putting aside age and increasing mobility, especially muscle strength with strength exercises; On the one hand, it helps to resist aging and on the other hand to increase metabolism.

-5. Slow exercise should be done to reduce fat: Wrong! One of the mistakes is to keep the exercise tempo low to reduce fat. Although low-tempo exercise seems to be more effective in burning fat and high tempo is more effective in burning carbohydrates, it is essential in weight control and weight loss; How many calories are consumed by exercise. Because no exercise uses an isolated energy source, and if your goal is to control weight, interval exercises, which combine vigorous exercises with low-tempo exercises, are the best.

-6. Exercise should be done on an empty stomach: Wrong! The timing of the exercise is a matter of one’s habits. Exercise should be done two or three hours after eating, not on a hungry or full stomach. For those who exercise early in the morning, the food should turn into liquid from breakfast as this period is reduced. Exercise for a full stomach; the blood that should be in our muscles; It can cause our internal organs such as stomach and intestines to be directed to our internal organs and the muscles to not work effectively and the person to feel abdominal pain. When done on an empty stomach, the person may not find enough strength to continue the exercise. Those with diseases such as hypoglycemia and diabetes may experience serious health problems related to them.