6 Makeup Techniques You Should Learn At 30

It seems like most of us will do everything we can to prevent our skin from aging. We all believe that as we get older bad things happen, like associating it with wrinkles, gray hair and hot flashes. However, we are getting older, yes, but it could be a nice thing. You just need to get to know yourself a little better and learn what makeup and beauty styles will really do you good. If you have graduated into adulthood, makeup skills can often require expertise. And we ‘ve compiled a list of 6 makeup techniques you should learn at age 30 to support you on the right track !

  1. Perfectly Straight Eyeliner …

You don’t have to be Picasso to know how to properly apply eyeliner to the line of your eyes . And there are lots of little tricks for that. To be sure, experiment at your own time at home. Make it thinner towards your eye fountains and less outer part of the eye, thicker and more prominent. If you really want to get the right makeup score like some adults, you have to master cat eye makeup. It just means drawing a straight line and making wings.

2.… And Lip Liner

This is a powerful make-up technique, you should apply a lip liner that goes well with your lipstick and does not grin. It is not always an easy task. But, for a real beautiful lip look, it’s important to do it. With lip liner tricks, you can get a more lasting lipstick look.

3.Smoky Eyes

Smoky eye makeup is great for women to make the eyes look more attractive and to cover eye contour problems. This look is a safe make-up that will stay true to you on the best days of your life , so we suggest you make smoky eye makeup lighter during the day and more prominent at night .

The Perfect Daytime Smokey Eye Without
Eyeliner : Smoky Eye
Smokey Eye Rock style, you should definitely learn these techniques.

  1. Basic Shaper

When done, make you look like any other person you want. You can also emphasize only your cheekbones and shape natural facial features . Pretty effective method, right? You can find many tutorial videos on how to contour.

5.Blush blending

We can get help from this powder to make our faces look bright and bright and beautiful instantly . And these red circles created on our cheeks are one of the most necessary makeup techniques after the age of 30 . Blend your blush for good looks and don’t wear too much . Learn the right methods to command this blush brush and make the blush look natural on your cheeks .

  1. Bronzer Basics

Bronzer is one of the essential makeup products that can be found in almost everyone’s makeup bag . We are aware of the importance of a glowing skin sunburn look , but there are still some of us who misunderstand this tanned powder and use it as a smudged, mismatched mess. Your skin should be more natural and beautiful and shows how tone against this information you should learn well.