7 Fall Haircut Trend

Daring short hairstyle fall trend that brings a modern look to retro models including views 7 discover innovative haircut.

Messy Bob

Salas bob cut this season under the chin instead of the jet leaves more and more natural appearance. The short hairstyle is no longer scattered and without effort ends Dec.

Lob Shag

In the late 70s shag moving and vaccine model, lob haircut with modern meet. A lob hair that touched shoulders this season, more story, more energetic, and more volume.

The Long Bangs

Xs bangs this fall it’s time to give up now. Now long bangs framing floors and mysterious gaze on the beauty radar.

Bombshell Floors

The rise recently, one of long length hairstyles of the season. Lob if you are opposed to the domination of the neck, a solid and bombshell curls garnish with your long hair with volume and enjoy the view.

Mini and Kut

Messy Bob at the end of the cut, the size of the lobe, shag holding to the floor. Those who enjoy this season’s favorite Jet finishing the views of the jaw are aligned at the top, and the blunt hairstyles.

The Feminine Bowl Cut

Long from the top, from the bottom bowl shaped hair cut short with a formula, ultra short lengths to try the righteous solution. Strong, bold and feminine, this haircut is the most ambitious season of views.

Oval Hat

Neither too long nor short: medium hair comes into our lives with a retro touch this fall. To the side of an oval shaped hair cut is perfect for a classic and feminine aura with the fund.