7 Snacks You Can Eat Without Limits

1 – Almond

– I can hear you say especially almonds, not walnuts or hazelnuts. Filled with fiber, protein, calcium, beneficial fats and vitamin E, almonds are less caloric than many types of nuts. My favorite aspect of almond is that it is easy to carry.

2 – Grapes

– Have you ever tried freezing in the freezer, especially with bunches of purple grapes? I definitely recommend it to those who have not tried it. It is like a healthy, refreshing and practical snack. Contrary to popular belief, the vitamin and mineral content of frozen grapes and other frozen fruits do not decrease, and they can be considered as a different fruit alternative especially for winter months.

3 – Curd cheese

– You can crush 2 tablespoons of curd cheese with 3 thin slices of avocado and apply it to a slice of brown bread or breadcrumbs, and enrich a fresh salad prepared with tomato, cucumber and mint leaves with curd.

4 – Fig

– You can make sugar-free jam with figs, combine it with walnuts to make it sweet, add it into porridge at your breakfast, or combine it with milk to make fig sleep.

5 – Yogurt

– If you ask what is indispensable for your weight loss diets, yogurt becomes one of the top 5 foods I will count. Conjugated linoleic fatty acid, especially by reducing waist and abdominal fat, contributes to our health and helps us reach our ideal body.

6 – Zucchini

– Unlimited is one of the vegetables you can consume whenever and however you want. It is included in fit and healthy meals with its low calorie, high water content, friendly to digestion and rich nutritional value.

7 – Blueberries

– One of the fruits with the highest antioxidant content, blueberries are very low in calories. It is an indispensable part of our diets with its easy portability and taste. You can consume a handful of blueberries alone in your snacks, blend it with yoghurt and decorate it with chia, cinnamon and nuts to suppress sweet cravings, especially in the late hours.