7 Yoga Movements That Will Be Good For Your Low Back Pain

Posture disorders during the day, sitting at a desk for hours may cause pain in your waist area the most. With these easy 7 yoga stretches we have compiled for you, you can strengthen your waist area and reduce your pain. However, if you have a herniated disc and your pain has not disappeared for 72 hours, consult your doctor before trying these movements.


This posture will take the tension in your waist by stretching your spine. Get on your knees on the mat. Your legs should stand apart, bring your feet together at the back. Take a deep breath, while exhaling, close your upper body towards your body. Put your forehead on a mat to relax your neck and stretch forward. Stay this way for 1-3 minutes.


With this movement, you will stretch your spine and remove the tension in your waist by relieving it. Take a table position over your hands and knees just like a cat on 4 legs. Take a deep breath, drop your head towards the ground and roll your spine towards the ground. -Breathe again, this time raise your head, chest and coccyx towards the ceiling. Do not bend your elbows. Do it in batches for 1-3 minutes.


Sometimes the tension and contractions in our leg muscles are reflected in our waist as pain. This move is for you to stretch your legs! In the child position, leave your hands on the ground, sit on your knees and slowly move your butt up to the downward facing dog position. Open your fingers completely, try to keep your legs straight. If you are not comfortable, you can bend your knees slightly. -Leave your head freely and comfortably in your arms. Look toward your legs or belly button to keep your neck relaxed. Stretch like this for 1-3 minutes.


You will remove the pressure on your waist by stretching both your legs and your spine. From the downward facing dog stance, slowly bring your feet to the center of the mat. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Try to keep your legs as straight as possible. However, if your legs hurt, you can slightly bend your knees. Drop your upper body down. Pull your chin in towards your chest. Leave your shoulders relaxed. Feel your spine lengthening by stretching your head down. Stay in position for 1-3 minutes. Make sure your butt is outward throughout the movement. Thus, you get power from your hips, not your waist.


We both work our abdominal muscles and support our waist. Stretch your feet straight on your back on your stomach. – Stand on your elbows, keeping them at shoulder level. Gently lift your rib cage up from the ground. Your hips and legs should never get off the mat. Imagine you are stretching your spine while doing the movement. Leave your shoulders relaxed. If you feel that you are putting pressure on your waist, do not go too far back.


This movement will stretch your hips, buttocks and inner thighs. Lie on your back. Put your left foot on your right knee and pull it towards you by breaking your right knee. Stop at the point where you are most comfortable and for 1-3 minutes. Make the same movement with your other foot.


If this movement causes more pain in your lower back, stop doing it immediately. If you wish, you can put a towel under your knees to reduce your tension a little. Lie on your back. Pull your knees towards your chest and slowly turn them sideways, while turning your torso in the opposite direction.