Teeth Whitening 101 – How To Get Your Best Smile Yet At Home

We’re all after a beaming, beautiful smile. Few things are as physically attractive as a set of pearly whites, especially in an era where one feels as though they should perpetually be selfie-ready. Although habits of brushing, daily flossing (eep!) and bi-annual trips to the (dreaded) dentist have been instilled in us since childhood, oftentimes even stellar dental hygiene isn’t quite enough to give you that confident grin you’re proud to show off. 


This is especially true for those of us known to love a glass of merlot on more days of the week that we’d like to admit, and/or those who can’t get through a workday sans a latte or three (we plead the fifth). On our quest for a Hollywood-worthy smile to rival that of Romee Strijd (both on and off camera) we’ve enlisted the help of a nifty cosmetic treatment –

The treatment works if your natural teeth are stained, a little on the yellow side, or simply not as bright and white as you’d like them to be. This was the beauty treatment that ensued the highest barrage of compliments this year – and that’s saying something, because we’re lucky enough to get to test the best of the (beauty) bunch.



The in-chair procedure whitens teeth by an average of eight shades after just one visit, and the best part? This professional-grade treatment is all done from the comfort of your own home. Say “Sayonara!” to spending hours in a dentist chair – instead, catch up on your zzz’s or your TV show of choice. How does this all work? A mobile service comes to you, and after the qualified technician conducts a full consultation and sets up the equipment, the procedure begins.



A natural whitening agent in the form of peroxide gels is applied and then activated via LED light. We opted for the signature Triple Treatment, which meant we were in the chair for a total of three rounds of 25 minutes. 90 minutes later, and the immediate result? A megawatt grin, which seemed even brighter the day after. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement – few things produce a confidence (and psychological) boost as being able to grin without feeling self-conscious. And grin like the Cheshire Cat I did. It’s no wonder it’s been a hit with models and celebrity clients alike – I was receiving compliments left, right and centre, and my friends were asking me what cheeky procedure I had done recently because I just looked better, but they couldn’t pinpoint exactly how.