Keep Calm And Take Your Pillow

The life cycle and every movement has Yin and Yang energy. Open the doors to quality sleep by providing the right balance for you.

According to this system, we can define daylight time with Yang and in the evenings with Yin.

In the same way, we can symbolize the summer days when heat, sun energy and movement are at the highest level with Yang, the cool and calm winter season in which nature retreats into its shell.

Our body also moves in sync with the cycle of days, seasons, life, and its energy changes. You can sleep better by organizing your daily routines according to yin and yang’s flow, so how are you going to do that?

In the same way, you can prepare for sleep by choosing your dinners or snacks from more ‘Eat’ foods. Foods that are green and high in water make the body less tired. You can also take advantage of soothing and digestively stabilizing teas for stomach and liver movements that prevent going into sleep mode.

The importance of our daily routines on our health and quality of life is quite great. Sleep patterns are also one of these routines in the ranking of importance. Inadequate and poor quality sleep can lead to many health problems such as heart disease, mental problems, diabetes, obesity.

What is the connection between ‘Yin & Yang’, a Far East philosophy, with a better sleep? We can summarize the answer to this question as a balance. A balanced, stable, stable layout and environment are among the must-haves of quality sleep.

According to Far East scientists, sleep irregularities are due to the lack of balance of these two forces.

We can match the character of the word Yin, which is linked to the water element and the energy of the moon, with the concepts of coolness, stillness, calmness, night, depth, internality. Yang, characterized by the element of fire and the energy of the sun, can be defined by warmth, daytime, light, movement and extrovertity.

Yin and Yang concepts, which can not be remembered separately from each other, are found in our environment, in our body, at the same time in every moment of life and represent balance. Because Yin has Yang and Yang has Yin.

This duo discusses the dynamic balance in life and the handshake of opposing forces, in other words, their harmony.

We mentioned that the seasons are also Yin and Yang energy. Seasonal transitions, where environmental factors cease to be stable, can lead to disorders in your sleep patterns.

In summer, you can balance these two energies by eating refreshing foods and doing calming activities. In the stagnant and serene winter season, you can go out more, update your sports routine, thus increasing your Yang energy.

Keeping your bed hours organized can also help you get a better night’s sleep. Accustoming the body to sleep at the right hours synchronises the body to the Flow of Yin and Yang day and night, and you sleep better.

Mental activities as well as physical activities are an important barrier to sleep quality. To prevent this, you can start by not bringing a phone to bed. If you’ve had a stressful day, you can increase the Yin energy in your body by meditating.

Acuppressor massage is also a very effective method to relax. You can easily switch to sleep mode by massaging the small pit between the back of the ear and the skull, also called ‘peaceful sleep’.

Sleep preparation is also very important for a higher quality layout. Don’t bring the light, Yang, to the night, yin time.

A cool, dark environment reminds the body that yin time has come, and the body is fully prepared for sleep. Likewise, after a warm-hot shower 1-2 hours before bedtime, the body warms up first and then cools off.

This signals the transition from Yang to Yin to the body. Eating after a certain time in the evening is also a precursor to inefficient sleep. Digestive movements are linked to Yang energy and prevent the body from entering the Yin state.