Does Shaving Hair Prevent Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a problem that everyone faces at certain times. It takes the regent for women, for men, for hair loss. Hair loss is seen for various reasons. While hair depends on various factors in women, it is generally genetic in men. Hair loss is a very well prevent the proposal is sunlul . In other words, hair is important for both women and men as it determines the general appearance.

Hair loss is normal if it does not exceed 100 strands a day. But if it exceeds this number, you are faced with hair loss problem. First of all, it is important to find the cause of this hair loss in terms of treatment.

You can contact a specialist and find out whether the hair loss is normal or more. Experts will first determine how much your hair is shedding. Is the hair loss regional or general? If needed, some methods are used for hair loss.

Hair loss in women, thyroid hormones that may result from the lack or the blood. First of all, experts determine whether these are normal or not. Especially because vitamin B12 deficiency causes hair loss, this is eliminated. Again, hair loss is inevitable even if women gain and lose weight quickly in a short time. Especially wrong diets cause hair loss. Especially if you cut protein completely while dieting, this will cause hair loss.

One of the most important factors that support hair loss in women is stress. The level of cortisone increases in the body that is stressed, and therefore this causes an increase in free radicals in the body. All these reasons trigger hair loss. Therefore, minimizing the stress in your life will be beneficial for hair health.

For all these reasons, to prevent hair loss that occurs referring to the shaved hair if you say to a solution manager shaved hair does not affect hair loss. However, shaving the hair improves the quality of the hair. Those who use too many chemical processes and heat tools on their hair will wear out excessively. This hair is dried by scraping and broken hair is removed. Better quality hair replaces the scraped hair. If you want my hair to regenerate a little, you can try the hair scraping process.