A Porcelain Skin with Age Yeast Mask!

Benefits of Wet Yeast Mask

  • Fresh yeast mask, which restores the skin by regenerating the cells, is suitable for use on all skin types. Some of the remarkable benefits are;
  • Yeast, a rich source of vitamin B6 and protein, regenerates and purifies the skin.
  • Moisturizes the skin and balances the oil ratio.
  • Prevents acne and blackhead formation on all skin types.
  • It is recommended to be used as supplements in addition to drugs in skin diseases.
  • It removes skin spots, delays signs of aging such as wrinkles.
  • It can be used for under-eye bags, bruises and wrinkles.
  • As it cleanses the skin from toxins, it makes it smooth.
  • It Is Also Used In Hair Care
  • Although it is identified with skin care, the wet yeast mask is also widely used in hair care. It even has numerous benefits for hair. In addition to protecting the hair against damage, it also prevents common hair problems such as greasiness, weakness and weakness. If you are looking for natural and alternative methods of hair care, you can try this mask and observe its effective results in a short time.

Fresh Yeast Mask Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh yeast and 1 tablespoon of milk are mixed well in a bowl until it reaches a creamy consistency that can be applied to the skin. After waiting for it to dry on your skin, you should clean the mask with the help of warm water. You should apply the mask to your skin at least 2 times a week to observe all the benefits we have mentioned above. If you use it every day to get faster results, you may cause your skin to be worn and tired, and more importantly, to deteriorate the collagen structure.

Are There Any Side Effects?

  • One of the most frequently asked questions about the wet yeast mask is whether it has side effects. Although sensitive and allergic skins are likely to be adversely affected by wet masks, we cannot talk about the presence of a definite side effect. If you have very sensitive skin, you should apply it to a small area of your skin to check if you have any allergic reaction.