Acne Causes and Acne Treatment

Many of us struggle with skin care , skin problems. With these cellulite , psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, oily skin, and acne treatments , most people seek information and solutions about having the ideal skin. Sometimes, however, we are too late to search for a seemingly flawless skin, but without realizing it, we can go on a path that exacerbates the first problem with methods that may be too harsh or have only negative effects. Some skin problems serious than the others , although, in this article the focus of most common skin problems for men and women with acne (pimples) will be over. Below you can find information about acne types, causes of acne formation, as well as effective acne treatment methods . This information will help you if you want to achieve a flawless skin without any acne scars.

While acne is more common in males than it goes through after puberty, it can still affect females significantly or initially from puberty stages. Acne types are of three different types, including acne vulgaris , acne conglobata, and acne rosacea , and among them acne vulgaris is considered the least severe form . Acne is categorized by superficial label and cystic appearance, and acne is conglobata in the second category and the most severe version considered. Although there are many differences in severity, it is common to have lesions that occur mostly in the facial area , which tend to be dispersed , but also to the back, chest and / or shoulders. This may be accompanied by redness and inflammation .

How to Clean Face Acne at Home 

Many men and women or young for girls, squeezing acne will pass for clearing may seem, there is often a root cause behind there. For example, when a woman encounters acne , she will of course feel compelled to get rid of it with a strong urge , or at least she will want to cover it up. You can go to the doctor and get prescription medications for acne (acne), the doctor can recommend expensive skin products to dry the skin to reduce the oily appearance, and buy expensive concealers to cover it up until you can get rid of acne permanently . However, this only creates a bigger problem. Deoxygenated skin, which can not breathe for a long time due to skin concealers, will trigger and aggravate more acne formation. . Instead, many things such as diet, lifestyle changes, hormonal imbalances, toxins, deficiencies should be evaluated and the main cause of acne formation should be found. It should aim to learn the root causes of acne formation, we have identified closed acne, and until this “x” factor is discovered, it is not possible to get rid of acne successfully or permanently .

The most common acne treatments and ‘remedy’ recommendations for acne include:

  1. Prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics can ironically make acne worse, broad-spectrum antibiotics can also have negative effects on the body , including its overgrowth .
  2. Acne certain medications contain the substance benzoyl peroxide. These “treatments”, however, cause severe inflammation point as well as dry and peeling skin. These drugs can have very harsh and very dangerous side effects on the livers .
  3. Topical treatments are among the acne treatments currently in use. There are some options that target the ‘right’ acne by burning the main chemical on your skin. While it may reduce the appearance of the initial problem, consider the cost you pay for your skin’s overall health .
  4. Finally, another common option for acne that has been tried by most people at some point in their lives, blackheads, whiteheads, or legitimate acne, is the “open mind ” basic idea. Two (ideally clean) .Plenty of parking squeeze a pimple to end ile’dışar to vacate ‘literally. Softened skin (moisture, hot water, steam, etc.), natural methods are used at home for issues such as blackheads. Although people often know that especially in the case of acne, these will create very hard and permanent scars on the skin, they will eventually clear the acne by squeezing it out.

Most traditional acne treatments also have various side effects, so why not use topical treatments (therapeutic medicines by rubbing on the skin) to reduce redness, inflammation and acne without damaging them until they become stable and discover the causes of acne .

Our skin on acne until formation that can cause one of the many common nutritional deficiencies can say that zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral for healthy skin and is essential to alleviate acne . In acne treatments, reaching the regular levels of the Zinc ratio in the body should become the general goal . Zinc is metabolized by testosterone , so if acne is hormonally based, it can still help with that. It also works well with vitamin A and speeds up wound healing processes as well as controlling inflammation .

In addition, vitamin E, which is known to have positive effects for skin health properties, is another important nutrient required for the proper functioning of vitamin A for the purposes mentioned above. Vitamin E can also prevent acne inflammation and, along with the mineral selenium, can reduce the appearance of acne. Vitamin E is also acne our skıtığı formed is a good option to eliminate some traces. It can be used topically on the skin and is used in the treatment to reduce the appearance of its scars, burns, as well as stretch marks.