Anatolia’s Traditional Soup

Tarhana content varies in regions such as İskenderun and Mersin Taşucu. Tomato, onion, pepper, mint, thyme and sourdough are also included in the tarhana variety, which is called “flour tarhana” in these regions. Vegetables are simply minced, then cooked with salt and then left to cool. Then sour yeast, yogurt and flour are added to this mixture. The tarhana dough is left to ferment for a week to ten days. The words in the region are “raised”. At the end of the tenth day, lumps of tarhana dough are removed and passed through a sieve or a colander to crumble. The crumbled tarhana is spread on cloths for a few days to dry again.

In districts such as Karabük and Safranbolu, tarhana is especially disappearing, while maniye type tomatoes are used, which are again seeded, reproduced and increased in production. In these regions, vegetables are not boiled and the most important detail is that the tarhana is left to ferment in the house. Grated tomatoes are prepared with the same amount of white flour or whole wheat flour, sourdough, salt and a spice mixture, which is called as the size in the region.