Attention to Immune System!

Pharmacist Ayşen Dincer pointed out that all ages and genders have different nutritional, liquid, vitamin and mineral needs and said, “Children, adolescents, adults and the elderly should also take vitamins in different doses. Moreover, this also varies by gender. For example, according to Dietary Reference Values, the amount of iron required may be 0.3 mg in newborns, 11 in infants, 11 in adult males, 18 in adult females, and 27 mg in pregnant women. So a pregnant woman’s need for iron is not the same as a man’s. For this reason, if a person receives vitamin supplements from outside, he should choose it according to gender, age and needs. In addition, it is more appropriate to use vitamins prepared in appropriate doses for age and gender, instead of choosing single and high doses while taking vitamin and mineral supplements. “It is also important that vitamins contain mixed and multiple ingredients according to the need, just like we take with a healthy diet.”

You can use multivitamins containing vitamin C and D, selenium and zinc to support the immune system.
Reminding that we need vitamin and mineral supplements throughout our life, Pharmacist Ayşen Dincer underlines that there is no need to stop taking vitamin and mineral supplements, just as there is no need to stop drinking water or exercising. Reminding the protective effect of vitamin C against viral infections especially in this period, Dincer says that deficiencies may be seen in our vitamin D stores in these days when the sun does not show much of its face. Touching on the importance of keeping the immune system strong in these days when the effects of the pandemic continue, Dincer says: “To support the immune system, it is necessary to eat rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (especially vitamins E and C) and amino acids. It may not be possible to meet this need with a natural diet, so you can safely take supplements with these ingredients. You can use the right multivitamin supplements of vitamins C and D, selenium and zinc, which are important for immunity, and choose mixed formulas containing amino acids as well as vitamin, mineral antioxidant. “