Benefits Of Mandarin

This fruit with vitamin C reduces the risk of a very important disease.

Mandarin, which is among the indispensable fruits of the winter season and known as a vitamin C store, has been reported to reduce the risk of cancer.

Dietician Sevinç Yetişen stated that tangerine is a sweet, fragrant, delicious and vitamin-rich fruit from the citrus family.

Mr. Yetişen stated that the carotene that gives tangerine its orange color reduces the risk of liver diseases, arteriosclerosis and diabetes, and drew attention to the fact that it helps to reduce high blood pressure thanks to its potassium content.

Emphasizing that tangerine contains vitamin C, it has been determined that it increases the resistance of the body against ailments such as cold, flu and flu, Yetişen said:
” It has a cholesterol-lowering effect due to the soluble fiber it contains. It reduces the risk of our body getting cancer with the antioxidant substances it contains. Thanks to the flavone tangeretin found in tangerine, it has anticancer properties and is effective in preventing the spread of infection. ”

Sevinç Yetişen stated that the researches on the effects of tangerine against stress and insomnia are still ongoing, and explained that tangerine, which has many varieties and is in orange-yellow color, has a fleshy and juicy structure.