Black Bean Cookies

These may sound strange but you’ve got to trust us on this one! made with just six ingredients, they’re an easy, delicious, healthier take on a simple chocolate cookie and you absolutely can’t taste the beans – they do create a nice, thick texture though that i think you’ll all really like.

300g porridge oats
2 teaspoons cacao powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1x 400g can black beans, drained and washer
125ml maple syrup
handful of dark chocolate chips or cacao nibs
preheat the oven to 180c, fan setting.
place the black beans into a food processor with the coconut oil, cacao and maple syrup and pulse until smooth.
transfer the bean mix into a mixing bowl and stir through the oats and cacao nibs or chocolate chips (if using).
using a tablespoon, scoop equal amounts of the cookie mix out of the bowl, moulding each one into a ball using your hands, then push each onto a lined baking tray to form cookies.
bake for 20 minutes, then remove the tray from the oven and allow the cookies to cool before enjoying!