Blush Selection For Different Skin Type?

It is a must to use blush to complete the make-up and add color to the skin. Well, which blush suits which skin color better? How to choose a blush color? What should be considered when applying blush?

As a result of the blush used, the cheekbones become clear, facial features are revealed and a natural appearance is achieved.

The more important the harmony of the blush color with the skin, the more important it is to integrate the texture of the blush with the skin. Women with different skin types such as oily, dry, normal and combination skin should use blush with different textures.

The best type of blush for oily skin is powder blush. It is very easy and practical to apply. By preventing glare, it reduces the oily appearance and becomes permanent. Since it does not have an oily texture, it captures a natural appearance on the skin.

The blush structure that dry skin can use should definitely be a cream. Because the moisturizing effect of the cream blush applied to dry skin makes the skin look healthier and preserves its form for a long time. Powder blush used on dry skin accumulates on the skin and is not permanent.

Normal and combination skins can use the blushes they want and provide a long-lasting appearance.

Which color blush should I use? Yes, this question is one of the constant when women wear makeup. Now that we have determined our blush structure according to our skin type, now it is time to determine the blush tone according to our skin color!

Which Color Blush Is Right For Which Skin Tone?

In order to choose the right blush, we must first know the undertone of our skin. Warm undertone; pink appearance regardless of whether the skin is white or dark, cold undertone; it is yellow in appearance. It is quite easy to determine the undertone by looking at the veins on the wrist. In daylight, if the veins inside the wrist are green in color, it is a warm undertone, if it is blue, it is a cold undertone, and if both are together, it is a neutral undertone.

When we know the undertone of our skin, we can choose make-up products and most importantly, blush colors accordingly.

Choosing the Suitable Blush for White Skin;

It is most suitable for light-skinned people to apply blush in the lower color tones of the skin without disturbing the color transitions of the face. If you have yellow undertones, it is possible to achieve a natural look with peach tones, light orange and coral blushes. White-skinned people with pink undertones; They can capture a magnificent image with a light pink blush with warm tone.

Blush Selection for Wheat Skin;

Peach tones blushes are best suited for white-skinned women, as well as wheat-skinned women. However, the desired radiance and liveliness can be achieved with darker tones. If the undertone of your skin is yellow, a dark rose blush produces natural results when applied correctly. Red, light brown also shows the same results. If you have a pink undertone; Sharp colors such as damson and broadside are suitable for you.

Blush Selection for Dark Skin;

If your skin is dark, the peach tones you will apply will disappear on your skin. For this reason, blushes with brown tones or dark red undertones will show you better. Blush in earth tones should be indispensable for brunette women!