Body-Care Guide For Cold Weather

Body care is a ritual of always thrown in the background. However, thoroughly cool weather along with your body, your face, you should pay attention not to the same degree. Discover body care tips that you can apply in the cold winter.

Dry Brushing

Clean with dry brushing technique flaky skin in the winter. Freed from dead skin, replenish moisture to the skin to renew itself and will be ready.

Maintenance In The Shower

Long, hot showers as tempting as that sounds, robbing them of natural oils in your skin, and drying. Try not to take very hot showers winter days, turn to shower gels soaps and body oils instead of drying cleaner.

Step Moisturizing

Never you should not miss this step. After the shower, apply moisturizer to your body surely. Your skin dryness, or select the most suitable product according to the content of the maintenance you need.

Intense Interest

If you’re frequently complaining about problems from dryness body care oils if you activate. These products will help you fill in the regeneration of skin tissue and the skin’s moisture reserves.

Specific Spots

Elbows, knees, heels, and hand joints are prone to cracking than cold air, such as some specific spots. Intensive formula-textured balm products with extra care do to these areas.