Boiling Water For Dumplings

The Easiest: Steam or Boil
Boiling frozen dumplings is the easiest method, though it’s also the most time consuming as you have to wait for a pot of water to come to a boil.

Boiling frozen dumplings.
To boil dumplings, fill a large pot two-thirds of the way with water. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Add as many dumplings as can fit comfortably in a single layer in the pot and cook them until they float. Let them cook an additional two to three minutes. Fish them out with a strainer, drain them, and serve.

Steaming is a much faster method as you only need to bring a few cups of water to a boil instead of an entire pot. Texturally, it’ll also leave the skins a little stretchier and firmer. I generally prefer this texture to the softer texture boiling gives. It does require the use of a bamboo steamer insert for your wok or pot. It’s a worthwhile investment if you do any amount of Asian cooking, and they also make great stacking storage devices for potatoes and alliums.