Brussels Street Food

In the streets of Brussels, which can be described as the paradise of french fries, French fries are sold in the cone and you can see cones in the hands of almost all tourists while touring the streets. You can buy any amount of ketchup and mayonnaise as a sauce, and with that cone in hand, the taste of traveling in Brussels is doubled. Waffle is another flavor that will fascinate you with its abundant scent when you step into the streets of Brussels.

different from what we are used to in Turkey in Brussels waffle. The rectangular waffle dough is golden in color and crunchy due to caramelized sugar. It is also often not put on a lot of different materials as we ate in Turkey. Its classic version, prepared with melted chocolate, some whipped cream and seasonal fruits, is the most consumed. However, for touristic reasons, it is made in many different types.
The first street taste that comes to mind in Izmir, which has its own unique flavors, is crispy and boyoz. Even though it is mixed with the crispy bagel, it is a taste that differs with the way it is cooked. Boyoz, on the other hand, is an Izmir classic that is sold hot and crispy in the early hours of the morning. Boyoz’s best friend is a boiled egg. Generally, boyoz and boiled eggs are sold together. Another street flavor as famous as Boyoz is lokma dessert. As you walk the streets of Izmir, you can see people preparing and distributing bites in huge cauldrons.
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