Cashew Nut Chicken

Rather than shy away from the camera or grumble about your being in the way of paying customers, the fish souk vendors here volunteer—even request—to pose for your camera with their wares, straightening the shrimp tails and thrusting dead sharks and octopi into your hands to make the best possible photograph for you.

The sun rising over the fish souk’s seaside location bathes it in a golden light as vendors start unpacking. These folks work in the shadows of the early morning, mostly selling fish to middlemen who then resell it to consumers, whether at a store or restaurant.

At this point in the summer, I’m ready to move beyond the basic hamburger (delicious, but almost too much of a grill staple) to something a little more exotic. So this week on Serious Entertaining, we’re adding a little spice to the classic summer feast and cooking our way to the Middle East.