Cheese Production In COVID-19 Crisis

Kars Cheese Project
Kars Cheese Trail Project within the scope of public institutions, universities, NGOs and Turkey’s first cheese route with local producers collaborate in the region will be created. The Schleswig-Holstein Cheese Route will be used as an example of good practice to create a well-structured, mapped and registered regional route that passes through Kars local dairies and natural and cultural heritage areas. “Kars Cheese Route Experience Workshop” will be established and tour programs will be organized for selected dairies along the cheese route. An inventory of Kars cheeses will be created, Kars cheese stories will be compiled and made ready for publication.

Cheese production will be made according to COVID-19 hygiene standards
All relevant partners of the project will participate in hygiene, digital literacy and social media management trainings to be held in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Hygiene standards for cheese production will be determined and these standards will be placed on packages with QR codes. Dairy farms producing different cheese varieties of the region will directly benefit from the project. A website, social media accounts and mobile application will be developed for visitors of Kars Cheese Route.

Within the scope of this project, we attach special importance to the empowerment of women.
In Turkey, the acquisition places, tourism is an alternative to sustainable development tool and since 2007 with the objective of creation of local models to encourage entrepreneurship, indicating that future tourism in proud to have contributed to the project, Anadolu Efes Corporate Communications and Relations Director Selda Susali Watchmaker said:

“We are excited and happy to support new projects in Kars, Ayancık and Köyceğiz this year with the Future is in Tourism, which we have been conducting for 13 years. Kars, which has an ancient cheese culture, has a very special and valuable place for us in this sense. Within the scope of the Future is in Tourism Project, which we have been continuing for 13 years, we have touched the lives of more than 200 thousand people so far, and we have contributed to the access of more than 300 women to a sustainable income source thanks to the studies. We aim the same success in the Kars Cheese Route Project. Our biggest wish is that Kars will become one of the world’s cheese routes and gain the place it deserves in this sense. I believe that the meeting we hold today will bring fruitful results in this sense. “