Cheese Route

The “Kars Cheese Route Project”, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Anadolu Efes, within the scope of Future Tourism, was implemented with the Technical Consultation Meeting held on November 26, 2020. It was hosted online by Kars Governor Türker Öksüz and was hosted by Rector of Kafkas University Prof. Dr. There was great interest in the meeting attended by Hüsnü Kapu and public institutions. It was stated that the project aims to make Kars one of the world’s leading cheese routes.

Turkey’s saving tourism over local values ​​and local development which contribute to the future life under the Tourism last Kars Cheese Trail Project, Atatürk University Faculty of Tourism by Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Presidency, Governorship, Kafkas University, Boğatepe Environment and Life Association of Kars It is carried out in partnership with the Young Entrepreneurs Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is aimed to develop a tourism understanding shaped around the cheese route in Kars by preserving the Caucasian cheese culture.

With the Kars Cheese Route Project, which has been supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Anadolu Efes since 2007, within the scope of Future is in Tourism, reviving the region’s traditions, forgotten local values, traditional knowledge and production techniques, and transferring them to future generations It is aimed to contribute to local socio-economic development by supporting the tourism potential of the region.