Cherry Jam

Yesterday, my dad brought me 3 or 4 big freezer bags full of sour cherries from my grandpas cherry trees. That’s a lot of cherries, folks. My mind was racing with possibilities, cherry pie, cherry tarts, oh so much tastiness to be had. I really wanted to make them last though, be able to enjoy them for a while. When my mom mentioned jam, I knew that was the answer.
Before today, I had never tried my hand at making jam. I’ve wanted to for ages, but I’ve always put it on the back burner, one of those “I’ll get to it eventually” kind of things. I don’t know why I put it off – this recipe is so easy, no matter your experience level, you can do it.
Things you need to make this jam:
canning jars
Things you don’t need:
hot water canner

I really wanted to make them last though, be able to enjoy them for a while. When my mom mentioned jam, I knew that was the answer.