Chicken With Salad

All your Grecian food dreams come true: juicy garlicky lemon chicken souvlaki with tzatziki and a crisp and crunchy cucumber salad.
Have you guys been to Greece? I’ve never been but I’ve always been interested in the azure blue seas, the white washed buildings, and the food. Oh, and the partying. I always think of partying when I think of Greece because when I was in high school I had a pen pal (do they still do that in high school? Pen pal cultural exchange things?) who told me that she would go out with her friends and party until four in the morning and then go out for chicken souvlaki. It sounded so grown up and mysterious to me. At 13 I definitely wasn’t a stay out all night kind of person. And, who am I really kidding, I’m not one now either.

The chicken souvlaki at four in the morning I could go for though. I’m all about crazy late night eats. It’s one of the only things that can entice me out of a cozy bed: snacks. Snacks or full on meals, I’m not picky.