Chocolate Sauce For Top Of Browni

For the brownies
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes
12 medjool dates, pitted
100g ground almonds
100g oat flour
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
6 tablespoons cacao powder
6 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons almond butter, optional
Water from 1x 400g can chickpeas
1 teaspoon baking powder
Handful of dark chocolate chips
Pinch of sea salt
For the chocolate sauce
1 teaspoon cacao powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons date syrup
4 tablespoons coconut milk, from a carton, or any other plant-based milk
Pinch of sea salt
Preheat the oven to 180c, fan setting.
Place the sweet potato into a steamer or in a saucepan with boiling water for 15-30 minutes, until they become really soft (the length of time will depend on the size of the chunks).
While the sweet potatoes cook, grind the oats in a food processor until they form a flour (if not already), place to one side.
Once the sweet potatoes are soft and beginning to fall apart, drain them and add them to a food processor with the pitted dates. Blend until smooth. Now add the remaining ingredients (except the chocolate) and blend until smooth. Once blended, stir through the chocolate chips (if using).
Spoon the mixture into a lined baking dish and cook for 45-50 minutes until you can pierce the brownie with a fork and bring it out clean.
Remove the tray and allow it to cool for at least 10 minutes – this is really important as it needs this time to stick together.
For the chocolate sauce, simply place all of the ingredients into a pan over a medium heat. Stir continuously until everything is melted and has come together to form a smooth sauce, about 5 minutes. Pour on top of the brownies when ready to serve.