Choose Cognac

Cognac is a pretty awesome and these days underrated liquor that’s nice for sipping for those times you don’t feel like the burn or challenging smokiness of trendy whiskies and tequilas. If you aren’t much into cognac and just want it for cooking, go for Courvoisier. If you prefer not to buy cognac at all, you can substitute with brandy, rum, or bourbon as well, but cognac is best for this and you can use it for a bunch of other classic steak sauces.

Steak diane without alcohol
Can you make Steak Diane without alcohol? Yes, but ideally you wouldn’t. Alcohol is a flavor enhancer and the majority of the alcohol cooks off in this dish since it goes in pretty early and gets reduced. If you prefer to have zero alcohol in your food, you can subsitute with peach, pear or apricot juice at 1:1 – though it definitely won’t taste the same.