Chopped Frozen Fruit

For best texture, we prefer a blender, but for an easier-to-master method, a food processor is the way to go!

Partially chopped frozen bananas for making Banana Nice Cream in a food processor
Food Processor
Generally takes a bit longer (5 minutes vs 2-3 minutes in a blender).
Requires occasional babysitting. Otherwise, relatively hands-off.
Not quite as smooth — can be a bit more difficult to fully blend and ensure there is no chunkiness.
Spoon with a scoop of Banana Ice Cream in a food processor
Fast! High-speed blenders (especially a Vitamix) with a tamper can make banana nice cream in 2-3 minutes, or depending on the motor power and skill, even 1 minute!
Requires babysitting and using the tamper the whole time.
Can be aggravating to the motor, and can sometimes require stopping for breaks.
Can make larger quantities.
Frozen banana chunks in a blender for making Banana Ice Cream
We’ve had success with both the Vitamix 5200