Hawaii Breeze in Coconut Bites

230g desiccated coconut
6 tablespoons of maple syrup
200g dark chocolate
Place 200g of the desiccated coconut and maple syrup into a powerful food processor and blend until the mixture becomes a slightly liquidy substance, this can take up to 8 minutes of blending time. When the mixture is right, it will hold together when you press it in your hands.
Place a large pan over a medium heat and add the rest of the desiccated coconut. Cook for a few minutes, stirring continuously, until golden. At this point, remove from the heat and pour into the mixing bowl with the rest of the mixture.
Mix really well to ensure everything is evenly distributed in the mix.
Spoon equal amounts of the mixture into 4x 60g moulds and press down firmly. The bites that we make are quite big, so if you don’t have moulds or you would like to make them a little smaller, you can simply roll them into small balls using your hands and place them onto a plate.
Melt half of the chocolate in a pan over a low heat, ensuring the chocolate does not burn. Pour the melted chocolate over the coconut bites and place in the freezer to set for at least an hour. If you have made them into little balls, simply drizzle them in the chocolate and place in the freezer.
Once the chocolate has set, remove the bites from the freezer and melt the rest of the chocolate. Pour the melted chocolate over the other side of the bites (or balls) and place back in the fridge to set.
these dark chocolate coconut bites are made from only 3 ingredients and couldn’t be more simple to make. the maple and coconut is blended together to create a thick, chewy centre with a little toasted coconut mixed through to give it even more flavour, while the rich chocolate coating adds a delicious crunch.