Coconut Oil Could Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a major component of many different types of skin disorders, including psoriasis, contact dermatitis and eczema, Interestingly, coconut oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

In one study, researchers applied virgin coconut oil to the inflamed ears of rats. Not only was coconut oil found to have an anti-inflammatory effect, but it relieved pain as well. What’s more, coconut oil may ease inflammation by improving antioxidant status.

Antioxidants work by stabilizing free radicals in the body, neutralizing the reactive atoms that can contribute to inflammation . A 2013 animal study fed rats different types of oil, including coconut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil.

At the end of the 45-day study, virgin coconut oil had improved antioxidant status and prevented oxidative stress to the greatest extent. It’s important to keep in mind that most current research is limited to animal and test-tube studies, so it’s hard to know how these results may translate to humans.

However, based on these studies, coconut oil shows great potential in its ability to reduce inflammation when consumed or applied to the skin. Animal studies have shown that coconut oil may relieve inflammation by improving antioxidant status and decreasing oxidative stress.