Cold Food Chain In China

Chinese officials warned food importing companies not to buy frozen food from regions with high incidence rates. The Municipal Trade Office in Beijing, China’s capital, warned importing companies. It was requested that companies bringing products from outside the country increase controls and pay particular attention to the countries they import through the cold chain, and not to import from regions where the epidemic has increased.

Covid-19 can also be transmitted via cold chain
In the statement made, it was stated that corona virus was detected in imported frozen foods, and it was reported that “it has been proven that the cold chain can transmit Covid-19”.
During the inspections carried out at Chinese customs on Saturday, the corona virus was detected in the outer package of the seafood cargo imported from Russia. It was previously announced that the corona virus was detected in the inner packages of the frozen fish cargo received from Brazil. After the coronavirus cases increased again in the Netherlands, the government took a series of measures to control the epidemic. Within the scope of the rules that come into force as of 18:00 on Sunday evening, cafes, restaurants and bars will stop their music broadcast as of 00:00 and will not be able to recruit new customers. These businesses will close at 01:00 at the latest.
Restaurants serving homes will be closed at 02:00 at night, these businesses will not be able to sell alcoholic beverages from 01:00.
Home visits will be limited to a maximum of 6 people. Employees will be encouraged to continue their work from home whenever possible.
Regardless of indoor or outdoor, all events such as celebrations, entertainment or meetings will be limited to a maximum of 50 people.
For events exceeding 50 people, such as open air concerts or crowded parties, permission applications will be made to the official authorities. Unauthorized activities will be distributed by security units.