Control Your Acne at Home

Spotty skin is always a skin type that requires extra care. It is normal to experience an increase in your acne these days when you are in quarantine at home due to the corona virus epidemic. We would compile suggestions for you to control your acne at home.

On quarantine days, stress increases due to social isolation and being at home all day, in this case it causes acne. What you eat and drink and your sleep patterns also affect this situation. You need to take special care for acne skin at home.

First of all, you should give importance to a healthy diet while at home. Fatty and salty foods increase your acne, so you should be careful not to consume excessive olives, junk foods, seeds, fast food style snacks.

While vinegar water balances the pH of the skin , it also prevents excessive oil secretion. Mix vinegar, which is effective in removing acne, with drinking water and apply it on your pimples every day with the help of a cotton ball, you can wash it after it dries.

The number one favorite for spotty skin is tea tree oil. The option, which is a natural oil, has antibacterial properties. After applying 2-3 drops of tea tree to a clean cotton ball, rub it on the pimple area. You can apply this rinse-free oil every day.

Due to the acid in the lemon content, it has the ability to absorb excess oil on the skin and dry acne. Therefore, the normal mixing lemon juice with a cotton yar di m to apply to your acne. After waiting for about 15 minutes, you can rinse.

Aspirin has the property of curing your acne and preventing redness. Mix the crushed aspirin with a little water and make it a paste, then apply it on your acne. You can wash it after 20 minutes

Crush garlic, which acts as a natural antibiotic. After applying it to the spotty area, you can wait for 15 minutes and wash. When you do it every day, you will see that the acne is gone and the redness around it is gone.

Baking soda is an effective method that dries acne. Mix the baking soda with water into a paste and apply it to your acne. It will be more effective if you apply it at night and wash it in the morning. You can apply it 3 times a week, not every day .

The cold always balances the oil on the skin, tightens pores and quenches acne. It is effective to wash your face with cold water and touch ice cubes to these areas. Also, make sure your skincare products are suitable for acne, oily skin.